Describe any specific applications (apps) or other online resources you have helped clients access and use.
Describe ways you are stepping up your therapy and emotional supports as many are experiencing increased anxiety.
As providers shift to providing more support via telehealth and phone contacts, the receivers (clients) need to have access to the technology to participate. Please share steps taken to assist clients in being able to participate in telehealth/phone contacts.
Delivering ACT while in a pandemic will likely be different for those in supervised residential settings, as well as those who are homeless. This board is intended to capture topics relevant to these two groups.
Please describe ways in which the team is providing supports for people around medications (oral medications and intramuscular injections; getting labwork completed).
ACT is often serving individuals with significant comorbid health challenges (chronic illness) and/or situational health concerns (pregnancy). Please list any practice example/modifications for these individuals.
Folks we serve were already at risk of boredom, isolation, and alienation. With "shelter in place," "social distancing" and other directions -- what are you doing to help people address boredom and isolation?
We are all scrambling to locate some essentials (or find creative work around to essentials) - how have you helped people access the basics to get by?
We have all been more aware of the need to step up our handwashing, hygiene, disinfecting practices - how have you helped clients also improve upon these practices?
Describe any strategic outreach and engagement with natural supports who can provide direct support to clients during this pandemic.
For those clients who are working and/or enrolled in school, what activities and supports have been offered (e.g., addressing layoffs, expectations of continued work (grocery), switching to online coursework)
On average, 15% of those served by ACT may be involved in the criminal justice system. Some teams are specialized Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) teams. With heightened responsibilities in monitoring individuals, the COVID-19 pandemic may have altered typical practices. We welcome ideas, examples, and practice modifications as it has related to those who are involved in the criminal justice system.
For those who are actively using/abusing substances, and those working on not using -- how has the team modified the nature/types of supports offered to individuals?
Aside from the risk of infection, some individuals served by ACT may be of higher risk all together secondary to RACIAL DISPARITIES, psychiatric symptoms, suicidal ideation or behavior, substance use, environmental factors (neighborhood, fellow cohabitants). Any steps the team has taken to help address these additional vulnerabilities?
ACT teams need to attend to their own self-care as well. Possibly increases in crises, concerns about health and safety, along with social distancing measures and the need to balance personal/home needs may take their toll. Please share self-care resources you or your team is currently using.
Please describe the ways in which you have moved to using telehealth and phone-based contacts.
In what ways have you adjusted how you are conducting daily team meetings? (e.g., focus of meetings; nature of the meetings (completely virtual)
In what ways have there been modifications to how teams are funded, or reimbursed, in light of the pandemic? Implications on practice modifications?
For some individuals ACT teams are serving, it may be extremely challenging to not have some level of physical contact with them while providing interventions and supports to also help them stay safe and well. Access to PPE has been a challenge in most places. If you have examples for how your team has been able to access PPE, or decisions around judicious use of PPE, please share here, as well as other safety precautions your team is using to keep themselves and the people they are serving healthy and safe.
What scheduling/coverage strategies are being used for staff deployed into the field to help protect against infection and spread vs. management of staff working remotely at home?
Any changes in the expectations around how ACT teams are addressing new referrals and intakes during COVID-19? Any changes to the service authorization process?
Please include carefully-vetted sources for COVID-19 related information, and also broader resources for housing, free wi-fi, etc.
Create your own local thread to share information for your specific State, Region, County!
We are seeing an expansion in warm lines and peer support coming up in some areas --- share here if you learn of any *for your area*
Fidelity monitoring is of best practice ACT in non-pandemic times. This will be area to discuss fidelity monitoring implications.
This was hard work before a pandemic, and now it just got harder. What were we taking for granted? What do we appreciate even more? Share your thoughts - including encouragement for all in this fight!
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